VRL invites any academic researcher to submit a short abstract (<500 words) stating how our diagnostic services can benefit your research. VRL will award one (1) winner with full access to our non-human primates, small animals, zebrafish testing menu in virology, bacteriology, parasitology, clinical pathology, necropsy and environmental testing.

Award Terms and Conditions:

  • (1) $10,000 grant to be used for VRL testing services during a 12-month period
  • Total grant must be redeemed within 12 months following award announcement
  • After 12 months, remaining portion of unused grant will expire and cannot be redeemed for VRL testing services
  • Award winner grants VRL unlimited rights to publish and distribute winning abstract

Application Deadline: 8/31/2023

Criteria for Selection of Winning Submission:
Winning submission will be selected by a committee and the abstract should demonstrate how your research will impove people’s lives.

Award Announcement:
Funded winner will be informed and winner’s abstract will be posted on www.vrl.net on 9/08/2023

Applicants who are employed in academic facilities

We agree to maintain in confidence all of your proprietary and nonpublic materials, data, reports, records, technical and other information and to use such confidential information only for the purpose of performing analyses of specimens and providing reports on our findings to you. In any instance where information is subpoenaed by, and must be released to, a governmental agency, or is otherwise required to be disclosed pursuant to law or regulation, we will promptly notify you. You authorize us to reference, use and disclose de-identified and aggregated data included in our analyses, reports or other services provided that such de-identified and aggregated data is combined with other de-identified data from other clients. You agree not to use the VRL name and/or data in any manner that might cause harm to our reputation and/or business. Under no circumstances is the name of VRL to be published—either alone or in association with that of any other party—without our approval in writing.

Completed abstract should be emailed to Dennis Pitts, dennis.pitts@vrl.net. Please use the subject line, “VRL Research Grant Submission”.