

Viruses: Toolan’s H-1 Parvovirus (H-1), Kilham Rat Virus (KRV), Rat Minute Virus (RMV), Rat Parvovirus (RPV), Rat Coronavirus (SDAV/RCV), at Theilovirus (RTV), and Pneumonia Virus of Mice (PVM). Bacteria and Fungi: Clostridium Piliforme (CPILI), Mycoplasma Pulmonis (MPUL), Helicobacter (HELICO), Pasteurella Pneumotropica (PASTP), Streptococcis B Hemolytic Group A (STREPA), Streptococcis B Hemolytic Group B (STREPB), Streptococcis B Hemolytic Group C (STREPC), Streptococcis B Hemolytic Group G (STREPG), and Streptococcus pneumoniae (SPNE). Parasites: Fur mites (FUR), Giardia (GIAR), Spironucleus spp. (SPIR), Cryptosporidium (CRYP), Pinworm (PIN), and Entomoeba spp. (ENT).


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