How to fill out the VRL Order Spreadsheet
- Log in to the VRL Order Portal via
- After logging in to the VRL Order Portal, blank templates for the ordering spreadsheet are accessible. This is the simplest way to begin inputting a large amount of order data.
- The template will provide necessary fields and options required for the order requisition.
Some of the fields and headers of the template have been locked to ensure that the data input by the user meets the requirements of VRL’s ordering system. The intent of the blank template is to serve as a guide for new clients. The locked fields and headers are meant to prevent issues that may cause the upload to fail. If you choose to create a custom spreadsheet to use instead of the template, there are instructions below that will give the necessary requirements. - Once you are done entering data into your spreadsheet, simply save your work, and use the “Upload” feature to submit.
The following columns are found in the VRL Ordering Template Spreadsheet (fields in bold are required)
PONum – This is the Purchase Order number associated with the current specimen. The maximum allowable data length for this field is 50 characters.
Investigator – This is the primary investigator for the current order, and only the first row is necessary to capture this data. To capture specimen-specific investigator information, please use the ‘Investigator2’ field below. The maximum allowable data length for this field is 250 characters.
Specimen ID – This is the primary identifier for the specimen. The maximum allowable data length for this field is 50 characters.
Additional ID – This is the secondary identifier for the specimen. This field can be used at the client’s discretion for any other identifying information. The maximum allowable data length for this field is 50 characters.
Species – This field identifies the species of the sample being tested. Users can use the drop-down selector associated with these cells in the spreadsheet, or manually enter the data. However, the choices must match the available species list below:
BWI (Rodent) list → Cotton Rat, Dog, Ferret, Guinea Pig, Hamster, Mouse, Peromyscus, Rabbit, Rat, Swine, Zebrafish, Other
SAT (NHP) list → African Green, Baboon, Canine, Capuchin, Chimpanzee, Cynomolgus Macaque, Gorilla, Macaque, Marmoset, Rhesus Macaque, Squirrel Monkey, Tamarin, Other
Room – This is the client’s room identifier for the specimen. The maximum allowable data length for this field is 50 characters.
Rack – This is the client’s rack identifier for the specimen. The maximum allowable data length for this field is 50 characters.
Barrier – This is the client’s barrier identifier for the specimen. The maximum allowable data length for this field is 50 characters.
Building – This is the client’s building identifier for the specimen. The maximum allowable data length for this field is 50 characters.
Strain – This is the client’s strain identifier for the specimen. The maximum allowable data length for this field is 50 characters.
Sex – This is the client’s sex/gender identifier for the specimen. The maximum allowable data length for this field is 50 characters.
Age – This is the client’s age identifier for the specimen. The maximum allowable data length for this field is 50 characters.
SpecialInstruc – This field may be used at the client’s discretion to capture any additional information needed for the order, and only the first row is necessary to capture this data. If the data is specimen-specific, we suggest using the “SpecInstruc2” field. The maximum allowable data length for this field is 550 characters.
OrderCode1 – This is the test code being ordered for the current specimen. This code must match one of the codes in the VRL catalog for the lab site from which you are ordering. Data validation for this field won’t be completed until the spreadsheet is uploaded. If the test code does not match an existing code offered by VRL, the order will be discarded.
For an updated list of orderable codes, please reach out to VRL.
The above requirements also apply to the following fields:
Investigator2 – If necessary, the client may identify a second, specimen-specific investigator.
SpecialInstruc2 – This field may be used at the client’s discretion to capture any additional information needed for the current specimen. There is no maximum data restriction on this field.
Instructions for Custom Spreadsheets
If you do not wish to use the spreadsheet template provided, you may use an excel file (.xls, .xlsx, .csv) of your own making.
Should you wish to customize the spreadsheet, you may simply copy-paste the columns from the spreadsheet template into a blank spreadsheet and customize from there.
However, your spreadsheet must adhere to the requirements of the individual fields listed above, as well as the additional requirements below:
- The first row must contain the field name (PONum, Investigator, etc), similar to the template.
- The first row must be an exact match to the field name. Any unrecognized headers will cause the entire column’s data to be ignored upon import.
- Be sure to include all required data fields (Investigator, SpecimenID, Species, OrderCode1).
- Optional columns do not need to be present in your spreadsheet.
- Please ensure that the data in the “Species” and “OrderCode” columns are exact matches to the data needed by VRL. These are not free-form data columns.
- The order of the columns does not change the viability of the form.
- Additional data present in other columns will not cause harm and will be ignored.